Mice on Main: Greenville, South Carolina (GaaG Classic: 8/9/22)

1 year ago

I host the YouTube Channel "Goose and a Gander" and I'm excited to say that I'll be bringing my content over to Rumble! I have my new show "Taking a Gander" which posts every Thursday at 6pm ET. In additional I'll be posting a selection of my favorite videos here too with the label "GaaG Classic." Thanks for coming along!

This video originally posted on 8/9/22

When you arrive in Greenville, South Carolina, there are a few things that are hard to miss. Falls on the Reedy is a beautiful park with a giant waterfall right in the middle of it. Liberty bridge is a walking suspension bridge that goes right over that very waterfall. New hotels and restaurants line the downtown streets. There's a lot you'll see.

There are a few other little things too though. So small you might walk right pass them without even knowing. Nine of them in fact. Nine bronze mice that are hiding throughout the downtown area.

A high school student was inspired by the book "Goodnight Moon" and came up with the idea before connecting with a sculptor that made this idea a reality in the year 2000. Ever since then, tourists from all over and of all ages walk the streets looking for them. Join us in our search.

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