Nindies Showcase 2018 Reaction! NEW Games coming to the SWITCH!

6 years ago

In this video, we check out the 2018 summer edition of the Nintendo Nindies Direct.

The Nintendo Switch is beloved by independent game developers and fans of their games alike. Since its Inception Nintendo has created a home for independent developers on the platform. At the end of August 2018 Nintendo held one of their Nintendo Directs, this one focusing solely on the independent developers, or Nindies as they like to call them. This livestream covers a bunch of different titles coming to the platform that hopefully will make us all excited coming soon.

I have been very worried as of late regarding the state of releases coming to the Nintendo Switch. There seems to be quite a bit of shovelware, and not quite top teir games hitting the system. Hopefully as we watch the Nintendo Direct we are given a lot more to Feast on coming down the road. If we don't, it might not be a good sign for Nintendo.

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