NEW Switch Games! Mario Party, Megaman & 16 New Games Launching on the Nintendo eShop!

6 years ago

In this video, we discuss the 16 new releases hitting the Nintendo Switch eShop from 10/1/18-10/7/18

My Nintendo Switch Friend Code is SW-4214-6854-8701

Love the Switch? Check out our weekly episodes of Switch It Up where we discuss each week's eShop NEW RELEASES! See out previous episodes at

Welcome to the 22nd episode of Switch It Up where we will be discussing this week's new releases in the Nintendo Switch eShop. Some weeks, like this, we'll be cram-packed full of new releases. Others will have just a few announcements. This show is mainly about the digital releases on the system, however, we will discuss key physical releases when appropriate.

What's new this week:

Mega Man® 11

Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story

Vertical Drop Heroes HD

Party Crashers

Revenant Dogma

oOo: Ascension

Animated Jigsaws: Japanese Women

Six Sides of the World

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe

Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong for Nintendo Switch

The Midnight Sanctuary




Frutakia 2

Splash Blast Panic

Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Burger

Super Mario Party

My Thoughts:
This week is all about the Blue Bomber and his Plumber Pal. Mega Man 11 and Super Mario Party are THE Hands-Down releases for this week. If you haven't seen our play through of Mega Man 11's demo, check it out here:

There are a lot of indy games this week too, nothing major for me except may Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Burger. Beyond that this is another frustrating week for me. I don't plan on picking up Mario Party, and I didn't care for Mega Man after playing the demo. Will someone, anyone, come out with a Title I NEED for the Switch?

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