Should You Buy The Retro Fighters Brawler 64 Funtastic Color Edition N64 Controllers

6 years ago

In this video, we take a look at the just-released Retro Fighters Brawler 64 Color Edition controllers for the Nintendo 64.

in early 2018 I learned about a Kickstarter for a new controller for the Nintendo 64 from Retro Fighters, I'm of course talking about the Brawler 64. It completely reimagined the layout and look of the Nintendo 64 Controller, modernizing it and providing what promised to be a revolution in controllers for the platform. when I finally got my hands on the Brawler 64 I was ecstatic that I had backed it on Kickstarter.

Retro Fighters followed up the original Brawler 64 with colored versions, also hitting Kickstarter. I was one of the first 10 backers on Kickstarter, as I was excited and thrilled to have even more options available. once again, I waited for my order to arrive, and it did. But not only did Retro Fighters include the red controller I purchased through Kickstarter, they sent me the full set for review.

One thing I know many people will ask is whether or not the L trigger/analog stick issue that cropped up on the first run of brawler 64s still exists. I'm happy to say no, they resolved this before these went into production, and even the gray controllers have been updated and are no longer affected by this.

where are the colored additions are virtually identical to the gray ones in form and function, there is one change that I absolutely love. The controller cable is twice as long as the original, I actually had to use an extension cord on my original grey controller when I reviewed it. thankfully I can retire the extension cable, this cord is more than long enough!

The analog stick is buttery smooth, it works so well and provides an amazingly precise amount of control. all of the face buttons on the controller are also extremely precise, they register exactly as they should. The d-pad, well not something I used often, is really good, just as the rest of the controller is.

One feature I really appreciated was the turbo functionality, especially on shooters. It almost seems unfair using it playing Star Fox 64, but man it felt so good to use.

The underside of the controller still utilize is the port for the memory card and the rumble pack, however, I will say it did feel a little bit more snug than the original grey controllers port. getting the rumble pack in and out required much more Force than the original brawler 64 or even the stock N64 controller

Why it RoX
- Available in 5 Funtastic colors
- Great form factor
- Longer controller cord
- Turbo
- Everything we loved about the original is still here
- Affordable

What could be Improved?
- Rumble pack is a tight fit
- Integrated rumble would be nice
- Wireless world be amazing

Should you buy one?
Do you own an N64? If you do, this is a no-brainer. This is an amazing way to play your Nintendo 64 games, it makes you want to play the system even more. It provides the control you deserve, and it does so in a number of fun colors, and it doesn't break the bank. I was a little surprised that the rumble pack was a tight fit because the original never had that issue. I'm hoping that through use that will free up a little bit, but it's not enough to make me not want to use the controller. Everything I loved about the original Brawler 64 is here, and that makes this a must-own accessory.

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