Should You Buy the mCable Gaming Edition HDMI Cable from Marseille

5 years ago

In this video, we unbox and test out the mCable Gaming Edition from Marseille.

Over the years, people have become very jaded and suspicious when someone promises a cable can do something different than another. But that's precisely what the folks at Marseille are offering with their mCable Gaming Edition. What makes the mCable different is the fact that it actually has an integrated graphics processor; It's not simply a pass-through cable. This graphic processor softens edges, eliminates jaggies, cleans up anti-aliasing, and helps produce a more authentic, true color palette.

connecting the mCable is really quite simple. Connect one end into your source, the other end into your television, and connect the integrated USB cable for power. There's no buttons, no switches, it is truly Plug and Play.

You've probably heard me use the term garbage in, garbage out previously. This refers to a lot of things, from HTML coding to video signals. The better quality signal you have coming into the mCable will yield the better quality signal coming out. That being said, it's still does remarkable things with older 240p video signals.

My first experience with the mCable was connecting my HDMI modded top-loading NES 101. The colors in Super Mario Brothers look super vibrant. The pixels looked even sharper than normal, and this is coming through an HDMI source. Overall I was pretty impressed with what I was seeing early on

Next, I wanted to see what the mCable could do for a clone system, so I connected the Hyperkin Retron 2 HD which I'm preparing to review. In Donkey Kong Country, the one thing I really noticed was how sharp the blacks were. They really popped. This is also where I noticed for the first time that I was not feeling any additional lag or latency due to the processing that was going on with the video signal

The Nintendo 64 was next, using an Eon Gaming Super 64. Playing Rogue Squadron I was blown away at just how good the game looked. I don't want to say that it looked as good as the GameCube version, but it honestly was not far off. The details in the ships seem to jump off the screen and everything just looked amazing

Finishing up with an Eon Gaming GCHD MkII equipped GameCube and my Nintendo Switch, I saw more of the same. The jaggies in some of the details, particularly and Luigi's Mansion with the close-up shots of Luigi's glove, this was all smoothed out. Not only was it smoothed out but it also didn't look blurry either. This cable is really something special!

Why it RoX:
- Truly plug-and-play
- Integrated graphics processor cleans up your images
- Video output is absolutely stunning
- Makes a real difference on every system I tested it on

What could be improved?
- Not going to lie, this is an expensive piece of hardware
- Additional lengths would be appreciated
- Having the USB connector on the TV side would make it more convenient to draw power from your television

Should you buy one?
Well, this is the $100+ question, isn't it? If you are a casual gamer, I think this might be overkill for you. If you are a hardcore gamer, if you have HDMI modded systems, if you're playing on original hardware, if you have an HDR TV this is an investment you may want to consider. The results are nothing short of stunning, it's not a gimmick. But investing $100+ simply on one cable versus perhaps a new clone system or a number of games as a hard pill to swallow for some, understandably. But if you do make that investment, your games will look markedly better and sharper than you probably ever seen them before.

#Marseille #Mcable #CastlemaniaGames

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