How To Get the Hyper Blaster HD from Hyperkin Working with Duck Hunt on Flat Panel TVs

5 years ago

In this video, we demonstrate how to get the #Hyperkin #HyperBlasterHD working with #DuckHunt on Flat Panel TVs.

See our original review of the Hyper Blaster Here:

To say I was disappointed about the performance of the Hyper Blaster HD in our recent review would be an understatement. I was very much looking forward to this device, but alas, it just didn't work well at the time. I was super bummed, especially after seeing and hearing so many good things from people who tried it at E3 2019 and other events where it was on display. Knowing the team at Hyperkin, I knew they wouldn't produce something that just didn't work. Upon further investigation, I found a potential solution.

One day, I saw the following YouTube video link pop up in my Facebook feed:

To say it got me thinking would be an understatement! I decided to give the Hyper Blaster HD another shot, pun intended, and this time I would use the one system I didn't have to test before: The Retron HD!

Check out our unboxing and review of the Hyperkin RetroN 1 HD at

Upon installing the adapter on the cartridge and firing up the system, I went through the automatic calibration process outlined in Hyperkin's video. Just shoot the top of the screen and your delay is set for you, it doesn't get much easier. From the first pull of the trigger, my experience with the Hyper Blaster was totally different with the RetroN 1 HD compared to other systems I tested. This simply worked! I don't know what makes the RetroN 1 HD different than even the NES 101 Top Loader with an HDMI Mod but I will tell you this worked more times than not on a variety of different TV's with the Retron 1 HD.

I did take what I learned and attempted to apply it to my NES 101 and, frankly, while the results were better this was just not the platform of choice to get the Hyper Blaster HD Working consistently. In the end what worked for me was:

Hyper Blaster HD
Retron N HD
Bypass any switch boxes or capture cards
Medium sensitivity on the switch position
On my 65" TV, standing 8-10 feet away was best
Smaller TV's required I stand closer
REV-A Mario Bros/Duck Hunt Cartridge

Since I found the Old Skool Classiq HD to be so similar in performance to the RetroN 1 HD, I am curious to see if this would work as well. Thus far, no other system has worked as consistently well with the Hyper Blaster HD.

I found it odd that Hyperkin released the video on their Facebook page, hosting via YouTube, yet the video is not public on YouTube. For a short video, there is a lot of terrific information here, and I'd recommend that Hyperkin makes it public. There are people everywhere looking for a solution for how to get the Hyper Blaster HD working, and the key to the solution appears to be their own Retron 1 HD.

The footage used in this review are used under the Fair Use laws, referenced below:

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

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