Bring the Movie Studio Home - Should You Buy the Vivibright F10 Series Portable HD Projector?

5 years ago

In this video, we unbox and test out the Vivbright f10 portable movie projector.

Vivibright not only provided the projector for us to test, but they also have a discount code for you! Save 10% with Discount Code - VEFA8C9N to save off your purchase of an f10 projector.

For many years, home projectors were considered to be the pinnacle of home theaters, however, their expense often and left them out of the reach of the average homeowner and consumer. Advancements in recent years regarding LED technology has made it so that the average consumer can get a very good home theater experience without breaking the bank. That's the philosophy behind the Vivibright f10 projector.

The unit itself features two USB inputs, an SD card input, one HDMI input, and a headphone output. I was a little bummed that it only had one HDMI input, but an HDMI switcher box from TTX Tech fixed that issue for me. The power supply is an actual power brick versus simply plugging into the back of the unit itself with an AC power cord. This is a little less convenient than I would have liked, but it's functional none the less

There are two lens adjustments, one that adjusts the angle of the picture, and one that adjusts the focus. I never felt like I was able to get the picture focused quite right. Either the top of the image would be sharp and the bottom would be slightly blurry or vice versa.

The first two times I power down the projector, it shut itself off. This concerned me until I realized I was touching the side of the case and accidentally hitting the power button while holding it. Dummy. The initial setup was a snap, and I was quickly playing my Sega Genesis Mini through it.

If I can give you one piece of advice it would be to invest in an inexpensive screen of some type. The colors look so much better reflected off of this white surface then off of my gray walls, it truly makes a huge difference. As soon as I started playing, I did feel a little bit of lag in the system. That's not to be unexpected, it's just unfortunate that there's no way to counteract this. The Genesis Mini, and my switch, both were fun to play on the f10.

I also connected a Chromecast to see how this works as just a standard movie projector. Not to be surprised, everything looked pretty decent, if not a little bit washed out. That's not to be unexpected with a unit such as this, it's not until you get into the 5000 to 6000 lumen projectors that you don't get that effect.

Why it RoX:
- small and portable
- stereo audio
- headphone jack allows you to connect to a soundbar
- can be used as a front projector, rear projector, or mounted to the ceiling as well

What could be improved?
- I could never get the full picture to focus
- only one HDMI port
- large power brick
- fans are a bit loud
- I could feel some lag playing games
- more expensive than other projectors in its category

Should you buy one?
The Vivibright f10 projector provides a decent experience, but it does have a few shortcomings. For the price, it is missing some features, most notably a second HDMI input. I'd like to see either a lower price or more features packed into it for the price being charged. for the casual home theater fan, or the family who wants to set up a drive-in experience in their backyard, it provides an okay experience, but in the end of left me wanting a little bit more.

#HomeTheater #Projector #Review

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