Should You Buy the 8bitdo Gbros Wireless Adapter for the Nintendo Switch & Gamecube Controllers

6 years ago

In this video, we test out the GBros wireless controller adapter for the Nintendo Switch from 8bitdo.

When it comes to Smash Brothers, one controller rises above the rest, that being the original GameCube controller. One of my favorite controllers of all time anyways, the GameCube controller just has such great ergonomics, the buttons are all located in the right spots, the analog stick feels great, it is overall just a great controller.

One problem with the GameCube controller, however, is the fact that it only works with the GameCube! Well, that is unless you use an adapter. 8bitdo has made some great accessories for a number of years, and their new GBros adapter is designed to allow you to use your GameCube controller with your Nintendo switch, or Windows PC, wirelessly. Sure, you still have the wire between the controller and the adapter, but there is no cable that goes between the adapter and your Switch. Pretty neat

The little purple dongle comes out of the box rather plainly. You have the adapter itself, a small instructions slip sheet, and a short USB to micro-USB cable. The unit runs off of two AA batteries, so the dongle is not used to charge it. Several buttons adorn the face of the GBros adapter, a home button, a capture button, and a slide switch to go between using the adapter with your Switch or with a Windows-based PC. There are two connector ports on either side of the adapter, one that will take the GameCube controller ports, and the other end which will actually accept the Wii accessory controllers, so things like the Wii Classic Controller and even the NES Classic Controller can plug right into it.

Initial setup was a snap, it took a few moments to pair, hit L & R on my GameCube controller and I was in the game. All of the buttons around the face of the GameCube controller work exactly as they should, it was truly seamless. I was impressed that even the vibration function of the GameCube controller worked perfectly!

I tested a ton of controllers with the GBros adapter, everything from Chinese knockoffs to controllers for the NES Classic and Super Famicom Classic Edition, everything except for one controller worked, I was even able to use the Wii nunchuck! The simplicity of the dongle and how well it performs cannot be understated. I did not feel any discernible lag, latency, or delay in any of my gameplay. I do kinda wish the Wavebird would have been compatible, but it probably would have introduced some significant lag with having 2 wireless signals going on there.

Why it RoX:
- Only $20
- Allows you to use one of the best controllers ever with your Nintendo switch
- Capture and home buttons work flawlessly
- No noticeable lag or delay between button presses and action on screen
- Vibrate works
- Easy to set up
- Dual controller Port allows you to use more than just a GameCube controller
- While not practical, it even works with the nunchuck!

What could be improved?
- Rechargeable batteries would be really nice
- More color options to match your GameCube controllers
- Hard to find in stores
- Does not work with the Wavebird Dongle

Should you buy one?
Even if you are not a Super Smash Brothers fan I highly recommend the GBros adapter from 8bitdo. Simple things like being able to use it with the NES Library from the Nintendo Online Service, the wide variety of controllers it does work with, this is really an awesome adapter. There's not much that 8bitdo could do to improve upon it, rechargeable batteries would be nice, more colors would be too, but overall this thing works pretty flawlessly.

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