UPDATE! Metal Storm by IREM Coming Back via Retro-Bit - Pre-Orders Open, Pricing & Availability

5 years ago

In this video, we have updated information about the re-release of Metal Storm coming from Irem and Retro-bit in Fall of 2019.

At CES 2019, Retro-bit announced that they were once again partnering with Irem to re-release one of the greatest games ever made for the Nintendo entertainment System. I'm talking about MetalStorm, a game that was released towards the end of the life cycle of the NES and, due to its short production cycle, original cartridges have skyrocketed in price in recent years. The condition for those cartridges can also vary wildly, meaning that you might be able to get a deal on a copy just to play, but that copy doesn't look very good.

What Retro-bit has done is to take the Japanese version of the game, translate it, and bring it back out for the masses. There are a number of variants for the cartridge, depending on where you purchase it. You will be able to order the cartridge from three different locations in the USA, Castlemaniagames.com, Retro-bit’s website, and Limited Run Games. Depending on where you order your cartridge from determines what color you will get. Please note the transparent blue cartridge shown in the video is only available via retro-bit Europe.

In addition to the color variants, there will also be both a standard edition and a collector's edition you can purchase. The standard edition is $44.99, and includes the cartridge, a cartridge sleeve, a full-color instruction manual, and a full color box. The collector's edition is $69.99, and includes some amazing collectibles. In addition to everything The Standard Edition comes with, it also comes with a collector's box, certificate of authenticity, MD 308 figurine, and more. If you happened to pick up Retro-bit’s re-release of Holy Diver or R-Type Returns you should be familiar with exactly how they outfit these collector's editions.

There have been concerns in the past regarding the voltage settings on the boards utilized for reproduction cartridges. Some Chinese knock-offs use incorrect voltage specifications on their boards, however, you won't have to worry about these. Retro-bit has painstakingly made sure that these are the proper 5-volt boards that you would need to use, and will not damage your system.

We will be getting a collector's edition to unbox and review here on the channel, and I guarantee you that we will be doing several livestreams with it. They are available for pre-order now, and should ship sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving in the USA, sometime in December in Europe.

#MetalStorm #RetroBit #NintendoEntertainmentSystem

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