Super Mario 3D World Cat Mario & Cat Peach Amiibo #Shorts

4 years ago

In this YouTube #Shorts Episode, we check out 3 new Amiibo, including the Car Peach and Cat Mario Amiibo for Super Mario 3D World!

While I have always appreciated Amiibo, I've never been the biggest collector of them. I can appreciate the fact that they are essentially physical DLC, it's not something that I've always had to go and clamor to get to add to my collection. However, when I saw the Cat Mario and Cat Peach Amiibo for Super Mario 3D World, I pretty much knew that I would be picking them up.

The attention to detail on both figures are quite good. Mario doing his celebratory pose as if he had just completed a level, & Peach posing as if she was getting ready to boop some enemy on the snoot, overall, they both look terrific and are great additions to my collection.

In addition to Cat Mario and Cat peach, I also picked up a Bowser Jr Amiibo. I don't know why, but I've always loved the look of his Amiibo. Particularly this version here which shows the flying machine Bowser Sr tried to attack Mario with in Super Mario World. All in all, these are three great additions to my Amiibo collection.

What are some of your favorite Amiibo? Did you pick these up or do you plan to? Have you gotten a copy of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury? Let me know in the comments!

#SuperMario #Amiibo #YouTubeShorts #CatMario #CatPeach

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