How to Give your Nintendo Switch Dock a New Look with the the eXtreme Rate Custom Dock Faceplates

4 years ago

In this video, we demonstrate how to add some custom styling to your Nintendo Switch OEM Dock using eXtremeRate Custom Faceplates.

We were recently contacted by a company by the name of eXtremeRate, where they were curious if I was interested in checking out some of their products and possibly doing some videos on them. I was curious, and when checking out their Amazon Storefront the first thing that caught my eye was their Nintendo Switch Dock faceplates. Specifically, the one that looked like the Super Nintendo caught my eye as this is my favorite system of all time. I told them I'd like to check it out, and a few days later the replacement dock was in our mailbox.

While I am checking out the SNES one here, they have a number of different ones available. And, at least right now, the SNES one is actually out of stock on their store; this is just temporary, thankfully, because I can see a lot of people wanting to use this version. In speaking with eXtremeRate they anticipate these to be available again in April 2020.

The dock plate comes in a blister pack, and includes the faceplate itself, 2 screwdrivers, and a pack of screws. Now, this kit uses the same screws as stock so I don't quite know why they felt the need to provide them but it's appreciated nonetheless.

The overall process took about 30-minutes to do; it would have gone faster if not for filming, but even with that, this is not a huge undertaking. You'll need to make sure you have a Tri-wing screwdriver to perform this mod. One of the two screwdrivers included does fit the tri-wing screws, however, the one provided didn't fit the screws as well as I liked.

You definitely need to show patience as you perform this mod; it's not difficult but you can break tabs if you're not careful during this process. I actually did by accident, it happens. Also, having tweezers handy will make this easier, as they will be able to grab screws more easily than with fat fingers.

Why it RoX:
- Multiple faceplate styles available
- Great quality
- Fairly easy to install
- Screwdrivers and extra screws included
- Gives your stale Switch Dock a great facelift
- Reasonably priced

What could be improved:
- SNES style shown here currently unavailable
- Additional retro console styles would be great
- A better tri-wing screwdriver could be included
- Instructions not included

Should you buy one?
Ok, I am a huge fan of the SNES and as such, I absolutely love this thing! I love how it matches my white Super Famicom buttons I have on my right JoyCon, and it even works quite well with the white Switch and JoyCon casings I already had installed. It's a great looking piece, and I completely dig it. As well as this looks and how everything went together I am very excited to test more from eXtremeRate moving forward!

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