Switch & Switch Lite Buyer's Guide: 5-Must Own Accessories for New Nintendo Switch Owners

5 years ago

In this video, we take a look at five accessories for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite we think every new owner should buy.

The Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite are clearly amazing gaming systems. Whether playing at home in docked mode with the original Switch. or on the go with the Switch or Switch Lite, there's something here for just about everybody. When you first get a Switch or Switch Lite, however, there are some key accessories you may want to consider to better protect your system and enhance your overall enjoyment.

1- Extra Controllers
While one of the features of the original Switch is the ability to play with the Joy Con grip or with just the Joy Cons, these really aren't the ideal way to play the system. As such, a traditional gaming pad is my first recommendation. There are a lot of different options out there, from Nintendo's own excellent Pro Controller, controllers from KMD, Old Skool, PowerA, and still others. You can also pick up extra Joy Cons, however in almost two years I have had very little need for additional Joy Cons over additional controllers. One thing of note, I don't know of a single third party controller that is compatible with Amiibos. If that is important to you, stick with the OEM Nintendo Pro Controller. If it's not, there are some other choices out there they can save you a few dollars.

2- Controller Charging Stands
Once you have additional controllers or Joy Cons, you need a way to charge them. Controllers can be charged using a USB cables, but the only way really to charge a Joy Con is attaching it to a Switch. A charging stand declutters your gaming area, and allows you to charge multiple devices at one time. For example, the charging stand that I have allows me to charge my Switch Pro Controller and an extra set of Joy Cons right in it.

3- Travel Cases
One of the things that has helped the Switch thrive, and accentuates the Switch Lite, is the fact that you can enjoy console quality gaming on the go. But when you go you want to make sure your system is protected. This is where some kind of a silicone skin or travel case will come in handy. Sure, you can just toss your Switch or Switch Lite in a backpack, but then the screen is liable to get scratched up. Grip cases give you a better hold of your system, and provide protection for the sides and back. Just don't do something silly like throw your Switch off of a bridge.

4- Extra Docks
Since the Switch is such a great gaming machine, you're probably going to want to hook it up to more than one TV. That's a bit of a hassle if you only have one dock, and the OEM Nintendo dock is close to $100. A third-party dock can save you money and make it easier for you to connect your Switch to additional TVs, or even when on the go. One key piece here however, make sure that you are using the original OEM power supply from Nintendo. Since the Switch Lite doesn't connect to a TV there's no need for a true dock, however there is a charging stand that makes it neater to charge and store your Switch Lite when not on the go.

5- eShop and Nintendo Online Gift Cards
Nintendo may not have been first to the party when it comes to online, but they have a decent eShop for you to be able to download additional content. On top of that, you can play online if you subscribe to Nintendo's online service, and at only $20 a year, it is a steal. In addition to getting access to online play, the Nintendo Online Service also grants you access to a library of Nintendo Entertainment System and Super NES title to play on your Switch.

#NintendoSwitch #BuyersGuide #SwitchAccessories

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