Get Nintendo Switch OLED Features For Your Current Switch TODAY!!!!

3 years ago

In this episode, we demonstrate how you can Get Nintendo Switch OLED Features For Your Current Switch TODAY!!

For many years, people have speculated and wondered how Nintendo was going to follow up the runaway success of the Nintendo Switch. Rumors started early on about a possibly smaller version, which eventually became the Switch Lite, and other rumors continued that pointed to a possible "Super Switch" or "Switch Pro". What we've gotten instead, has been the Switch OLED, a Switch with many of the same specs and features as the original. This left many who were early adopters wondering if they should upgrade or not, but I am here to show you how you can get access to the upgraded features here, today. Let's take a look:

Ethernet Port
I know a lot of fans are excited over the addition of an Ethernet Port to the dock of the Switch OLED. For those with slow or unreliable WiFi, the wired Ethernet Port allows you to get a much faster and more stable connection to the internet for online play or downloads. The thing is this has been available for sometime! Both CharJenPro with their Stingray portable dock and Brook Gaming with their Powerbay with Ethernet provide that hardwired connectivity. Plus, the Power Bay also adds in GameCube Controller Ports and Bluetooth audio, and both are a lot more portable than the OEM Dock. Finally, indications are the new dock will be backwards compatible, so we're good there too.

New Color Joy Cons and Switch
Truth be told, I have one of the White Switch OLED systems on order for myself, I just dig the looks. I dig them so much that I actually installed a replacement white shell on my Switch and Joy Cons before heading to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo in 2018! While I have the Basstop kit on mine, since then, there have been some awesome looking shells from the folks at eXtremeRate, and there are even new faces for the dock you can install too! Best of all? These are under $40!

Expanded On-Board Storage
The original Switch's 32GB of on-board storage was laughably tiny, there are games that you simply could not install on the system without expanding the storage with an external Micro SD Card. The Switch OLED does ship with an expanded 64GB or storage, but even this isn't sufficient. 128GB, 256GB, and higher Micro SD Cards can all be installed into the system under the kickstand and give you an immediate bump in storage. And while Nintendo doesn't seem to realize it, the fact that Storage costs keep coming down means you can get a 32GB micro SD Card for under $20.

Enhanced Audio
This one might be a bit of a stretch, but stick with me here. The Switch OLED is shipping with enhanced audio built in, but when was the last time you played your Switch in handheld mode without headphones? Companies such as Skull&Co produce Bluetooth audio adapters which plug directly into the USB-C port on the bottom of the Switch. You can also connect it to your dock, and add BT functionality there too. This will let you use any Bluetooth headphones and get awesome sound. I know I love how the RayCon E55's sound from the Switch!

So, is it worth it?
By the time you add up the cost of the different docks, Joy Con and Switch Shells, Micro SD Card, and Bluetooth Adapter/Headphones plus the cost of a Switch, you're going to exceed the cost of a Switch OLED quickly. These are more tips if you already have an aging Switch and want to get the benefits and features without having to buy a whole new system.

#NintendoSwitch #SwitchOLED #SwitchEthernet

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