Gays lesbians trans are not people and shot kids

1 year ago

A trans ken barbie doll shot kids and adults in a Nashville school! I am over the school shootings and will never end, get your kids out of school now, they are not safe at all and all the sex people gays lesbians and trans deserve to be hung!! They are not people anyway and the trans ken barbie doll dressed as a woman because it was mad that it was not having it way, so went into a school and killed kid's and adults!! I am beyond over it and churches should kick out all the sodomites now!! They are just demons and if they go into a private Christian school they will walk into a church and shoot everyone there, and where is the government help in Mississippi!! We are just pushed away while the dumb Ukraine is helped, WW3 is about to break out, America is dead and will never come back!!!!! I am angry that a trans Barbie doll shoots up kids and adults minding their business!! Now the families do not have their kids anymore and they are in heaven but not that wicked person, he will answer to God and will not be nice at all and will not care about prouns at all, God hates sexually immorality and it is a mockery to Him!! He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and America is far worse then Sodom and Gomorrah!!!

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