GraceTime TV LIVE: Moms on a Mission

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Miriam Shaw and Julie Woolslayer are passionate about the ministry of being moms. They both grew up with a strong Biblical worldview, conservative Christian family values and the power of a great education and hard work.

In the fall of 2021, they met at a school board meeting where they found themselves aligned with other parents. Initially advocating for medical freedom for students, they later discovered the need for curriculum transparency to ensure implementation of a Biblical worldview. Since then, they have joined forces with other like-minded moms and have been highly active in local school board and city council races as well as policy making decisions.

During this journey Miriam and Julie realized they shared a passion for quality education and wanted to understand more about the curriculum currently being taught in our schools. What they uncovered was concerning and led to more research and discovery. It was at this time they determined more needed to be done. More moms, more parents, more people needed to know the truth about what American students are being taught at schools around the nation. We needed to start a movement: a mission of moms! Moms on a mission was born.

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