9/11 Forensic Reconstruction - Anatomy of Terror

1 year ago

This reconstruction was created September of 2015 to be the most thorough study of the events of 9/11. It does not try to promote or debunk any conspiracy theory in existence. It's simply made to recreate the events exactly how they happened. It's completely neutral and leaves its interpretation up to you. It was originally created to assist first responders, emergency management, police, fire department, and EMS or medical workers to understand exactly what happens in these events so it can be difficult to follow. It was designed this way on purpose to allow for a speaker to discuss the video directed at their staff to see the fog of war. This has been used in schools and education to teach how the events unfolded, but it became a memorial to many who remember these events. Viewer discretion is advised.

A real time view of the worst terrorist attack in American history. This is exactly how it happened in September 11, 2001 over 3 hours from the Flight 93, Flight 175, Flight 11 and Flight 93 as they are hijacked and flown into major buildings the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and a crash that was thwarted in Shankesville PA. We review the papers that stated an attack was imminent, the FAA communications to the planes, NEADS communication as it tried to chase down the attacked planes, and the news as it frantically tried to uncover what was happening.

9/11/01 was an unusually clear day. A hurricane had turned out to see and it pulled the clouds from the sky. The intelligence agencies had continually warned of an impending terrorist attack. They knew something big was going to happen, but they couldn't confirm what it was and in a report in August the words, "Bin Laden determined to strike" became a simple cliff note in a large amount of events in the United States at the time. Today Mohamed Atta is in Boston. He would be boarding American Airlines Flight 11 bound for Los Angeles with a group of other hijackers. At the same time Marwan al-Shehhi and his group of Hijackers are boarding American Airlines Flight 175. The flights are cleared for take-off. As the flight reached flight level on American 11, the hijackers took control of the flight and turned off the transponder. FAA began to notice that the flight wasn't responding. They tracked it until Atta, mistaking the speaker was linked to the cabin broadcast that he had hijacked the plane to Boston FAA in New Hampshire. They began to make moves to track the plane while talking to upper management. As response was slow a few in Boston decided to contact Otis Air Force base directly and that led to call NEADS and making them aware that a hijacking was in process. NEADS scrambled two F15s from Otis, but by the time the fighter jets launched the first impact was happening. At the same time American 175 is now being hijacked followed by American 77. 175 changes its transponder to the wrong number and heads back toward the city. 77 turns off its transponder and in a radar black spot turns around and heads back toward Washington DC. United Airlines 93 is now just taking off after being delayed. Instead of focusing on these other flights the world is now looking at the news and the impact to the North tower of the World Trade Center. Every television station and news source begins to cover the event. As they are covering it phone calls from the plane are being left on voice mails and FAA is realizing they have a problem. Then the world, tuned into the news witnessed a second plane strike the South tower. Many immediately realized this was an organized attack and were blaming terrorism. NEADS is ramping up their action and recommending more jets, but they're short fighters because of prolonged peace time and an ongoing drills. He orders other jets over DC, but they follow their original orders and head out to sea where they would normally face an opponent. Flight 77 went unstopped as it flew into the Pentagon. At this point the news is aware there are more attacks and the same mistake Atta made happened on Flight 93, capturing the attack on the cockpit, but FAA doesn't know which plane is broadcasting the information and report the wrong flight. The passengers see and hear the news via phone calls and decide to take action, attacking the hijackers. Unable to stop them the head terrorist Ziad Jarrah determines they should crash the jet and it crashes into Shankesville PA. President George Bush Jr. has a press conference explaining they are aware and the news is seeing FBI coordinating an investigation. It's quickly realized that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was the coordinator of the attack. The twin towers damaged badly from the attacks both collapse over time, along with other buildings in the square and finally building 7 collapsed from damage, then the wall of the Pentagon collapses as well.

Late in 2000s the transcripts, audio and recordings were released allowing this data to be collected and formed into this video. Another member of the community put together the flight data and reconstructed each flight (see below) and we finished this video in late 2015.

Thanks to all the officials who released their videos regarding the events of 9/11 and help make this investigation possible.

A special thanks goes to cjnewson88 for simulations of the 4 flights (favorite him and see the original separate flights @ / cjnewson88 ) which allowed me to complete my vision and is integral in making this video possible and inspiring its creation.

Also thanks to FLT111 who provided additional flight records could not be found anywhere else. (His youtube is here: / flt111 . His information motivated me to go back and make the video perfect for time.

And a final thank you to all those that put themselves in harms way and those that gave their lives on 9/11/2001. Your sacrifice will
not be forgotten.

This was produced using PowerDirector 13.

For added knowledge, the flight recorder for Flight 93 was never released so it could not be added to this video, but you can view the transcript by clicking this link - https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Flight_93_Cockpit_Transcript

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