What Will it Take To End Cyberbullying? With Rose Bronstein

1 year ago

Rose Bronstein is a social media safety and anti-cyberbullying advocate. Inspired by the loss of her 15 year-old son Nate to suicide in 2022, after he faced vicious attacks, harassment and threats of physical harm by a group of his classmates/teammates Chicago Latin School, Rose founded Buckets over Bullying to get parents and educators off the sidelines, to END cyberbullying for once and for all!

Buckets Over Bullying is a Chicago-based non-profit initiative whose mission is to stop cyberbullying of children and teens through education, lawmaking and legal action.

Our kids, parents, our schools and our laws across the country remain fragmented, and ill-equipped to address this crisis as things currently stand. What rules and law we do have in Illinois and other states may impose reporting and investigation requirements, but these rules and law can go unenforced or ignored all together with no accountability or deterrable programs or penalties for the cyberbullies, their enablers or the social media platforms that are spreading the hate that is killing our kids.

To learn more, or to join the fight, go to their website: https://bucketsoverbullying.org

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#K12 #cyberbullying #socialmedia #teensuicide #parenting #education #privateschool

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