Daniel and Revelation.Saturday 25th March,2023. 1pm Brother E. Rainney

1 year ago

Daniel 7:8 and 8:8 continue...
4 horns(sin offering for the congregation and the golden altar) voice telling us to come to the golden altar.
Leaders were responsible for scattering Isreal. Zach 1:18
Ez 34: The Shepherds did not feed the sheep with force and cruelty they lead them and cause them to be scattered.
Ez 34:17 Cattle Gen 3:14, Lev 4 13-16 , Cattle deals with the duties of the elders.
Lev 4:22 He goat= Rulers duties
The duty of the ruler was to instruct in righteousness
Generational Curses Ex 20:5 Gen 3:14
Jesus is willing to bear all our curses.

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