covid Fraud

1 year ago

Respiratory virus as with most are just that. Difference was coinfections. Bacterial and fungal.

Btw marijuana has aspergillus in it.

Our foods have aspergillus in massive levels they are heat shock resistant. Hence why some marijuana suppliers use colbolt 60 radiation to sanitize weed. I know someone who works in this plant on southern Ontario.

When was weed legalized?

Go search covid fungal infections.

Tests for fungal infections are 1 3 beta d glucan USA only. This is isolation test. Next DNA marker test. Last is biopsy. So how many of you got that. 0

In Canada you must pay for this out of pocket. Bc canada is good at being fake and a bunch of liars.

Mold in north America homes 70% . Dont listen to propaganda fungus only attacks immune compromised, transplant ppl, aids, cancer ect. Bullshit.

T factor. Time vs infection mechanism of illness and deisease.

All mainstream media is lies. Alternatives also are driven by money.

I have nothing and expect nothing from nobody. I will be the better person and do the right thing. You all can do whatever u choose.

I only give u the truth to help u. Take it or dont. Many ppl who took vaccine which i told them No. They are dead.

Synthetic single strand polynucleotide translation to proteins causes UPR. Why i am the only person who understood this ftom the start.

Ppl are still paid by someone to push 1/2 truths. Greedy SOBs

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