The Faith You MUST Fight For - Unpacking the Book of Jude

1 year ago

Jude unpacked. An expository sermon on the letter of Jude.

The battle for faith in a hostile culture. How are we to apply these truths in our day. A look at ‘The Jesus Revolution’, ‘the Asbury revival’, liberal churches, the ‘Come out in Jesus name’ movie, prosperity gospel preachers, and the ‘Red Letter Christians’ movement.

God’s people are called, sanctified, preserved, and beloved.

Jude warns against false teachers. …it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Contend! Fight for the truth; stand up against error. We need a fighting spirit. We must arm ourselves. The words of God matter. Use the King James Bible, not a “bible” missing 64,000 words.

False teachers were creeping into the churches. These false teachers were carnal, “turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness” - shameless sin. They deny Christ, the only Master and Lord.

Jude gives three examples of judgment:
- The unbelieving children of Israel after their deliverance from Egypt.
- Sinful angels held in chains, consigned to a sure judgment.
- Sodom and Gomorrah and God’s fire of judgment for their very grievous sin.

Those called fundamentalists care enough for the truth to stand for it and defend it and contend for it. People call it “hate preaching” when we care enough to speak truth.

There’s many prosperity preachers, fake signs and wonders, and “demon slayers”, like Greg Locke, Isaiah Salvidar, Vlad Savchuk and Alexander Pagani. Some so-called deliverance ministries charge people money to attend, and for classes that teach students to access supernatural power, a serious transgression known as simony. The Bible does NOT teach that born-again Christians can be demon-possessed.

People are chasing after bogus miracles, the New Apostolic Reformation, supposed modern day apostles and prophets and extra-biblical revelations, and all kinds of wacky extremes. People are falling for this because they are astray from a Biblical church with sound Bible teaching.

Jude, compares false teachers to Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
- CAIN - basically it’s works-based salvation; dead religion. Cain’s trust was not a trust in the blood of the lamb, but his own manufactured righteousness.
- BALAAM - the "error of Balaam" was going after a reward. He was a prophet motivated by greed. It’s alike to the falsehood and heresies of the prosperity gospel preachers.
- KORAH caused controversy and strife with God’s leaders, Moses and Aaron (Num 16:1-45; 26:9). False teachers defy God-given authority. Spiritual authority is a serious matter. We have need of Biblical accountability. That’s why the local church matters. Commit to a good local Biblical church and submit to godly pastoral authority to help safeguard yourself and your family from apostasy.

Jude continues his rebuke of the false teachers. He rebukes them for seeking self glory, giving false hope, and producing no good fruit. These false teachers are likened to hidden rocks on the ocean floor that can rip the hull of a ship to shreds. These false teachers destroyed the godly believer’s love feasts. They were as clouds without water; their words gave only false hope.

Jude warns of the darkness of hell and judgment to come. He tells how Enoch’s warning of the coming of the Lord. The Lord will come with ten thousands of his saints. This judgment will be upon all. The reality of the coming of Christ should prompt us to seek truth and uphold the Word of God.

Jude warns how these false teachers go on their own self destructive ways. They are grumblers, fault finders, self seeking, arrogant, and flatterers.

Jude exhorts God’s people to discernment as we approach the last days: What are we to expect in the last time? Mockers who ridicule the word of God. People who walk in their ungodly lusts. These are worldly minded – given over to sensual desires. These cause divisions. Jude says: they do not have the Spirit.

We have some contending to do. We are in a hostile environment. We have need of “guts” to contend for the faith in a world that is increasingly hostile, and anti Christ.

Jude exhorts the people of God to godly living: 20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. This is no time to be static. It’s time to build.

22 And of some have compassion, making a difference: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

We have need of courage. May we be a people RESTING on God’s keeping power.

24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Let us give Him all our praise and adoration.

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