SP #73 - Kingmaker Deadly Alliance

1 year ago

On episode 73 of the SKIDS PODCAST;

- Martin Skreli on the Boyscast
- Spending money
- Filler episodes of TV shows
- Movies today...
- Stand up comedy
- Sam Kinison World Hunger (Video)
- Johnny Carson, Kingmaker
- Mormons allowed Blacks late...
- TikTok in trouble
- Johnny Cage/Jean Claude Van Damme/Raiden/Big Trouble In Little China
- Mortal Kombat 4/Deadly Alliance/Deception
- Rage Quitters
- Elden Ring/Redon
- Counter-Strike 2's upcoming release
- Ready or Not
- The Last of Us
- Chinese Harp (Guzheng)
- Jedi Survivor
- The Last Jedi sucks
- The Avengers
- Star Wars is failing/Marvel is failing/Disney is firing people and cancelling projects.
- After Earth is absolute garbage
- Celebrity Kids
- Pamela Anderson
- Trump didn't get arrested...

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/JQMpl4Peln8
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Opening Video -
Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13

Velvet Alley Designs -

Coffee Brand Coffee -
Use the coupon code: gps1 to receive 5% off your purchase. You will be supporting an independent, growing company, as well as our show in the process!!

Big Trouble In Little China (1986) - Clip: Mortal Kombat (HD)

Bloodsport 1988 - Best Scene - The Last Fight HD 1080

Sam Kinison World Hunger

#skids #gps #podcast #comedy #samkinison #martinskreli #boyscast #johnnycarson #tiktok #standupcomedy #TLOU #thelastofus #movies #disney #starwars #marvel #jeanclaudevandamme #raiden #johnnycage #bigtroubleinlittlechina #mortalkombat #mk4 #deadlyalliance #deception #ragequit #eldenring #redon #counterstrike2 #valve #readyornot #guzheng #jedisurvivor #thelastjedi #avengers #afterearth #willsmith #jadensmith #pamelaanderson #trump #tiktok

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