The Shazam! DRINKING GAME (and review) - The DCEU's Peak

2 years ago

Join Your Friendly Bartender as he revisits 2019's Shazam, directed by David F. Sandberg, starring Zachary Levi.

1. The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?: Drink when there are symbols on screen
2. The Laura Bush Rule: Drink when someone gets hit (or nearly gets hit) by a vehicle
3. The Florida Project Rule: Drink when a kid gets into trouble
4. The Joss Whedon Rule: Drink when a member of the Justice League is mentioned. Finish your drink if their torso shows up
5. Shazam!: Drink when Billy changes form
6. The Booker DeWitt Rule: Drink when a door is opened
7. The Norman Osborne Rule: Finish your drink when Dr. Sivana eliminates the board
8. The David Lynch Rule: One sip per electrical arc

Please play this game responsibly!

#shazam #dceu #dc

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