Getting Caught Up After 160-Plus Years - Notice to DOD - Monday, March 27, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Getting Caught Up After 160-Plus Years - Notice to DOD - Monday, March 27, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

When you've been really sick for a long time, it's hard to get caught up with your own daily life, much less your work life. We've all been there. Something, an infection, an injury like a sprained ankle, lays us low and leaves us like a beached whale for days or weeks or even months.

Thankfully, I am back on my feet. I may not be running anywhere fast, but I am plodding along in my Great-Grandma way, slow and steady.

What I want to share with you today are some very basic things I need you to know and remember -- for your own sake and the sake of your country and your world. And then, I need you to share this information. Make it ring around the world.

During this period of enforced rest I have had time to think about our world's situation. It's not just America that got blown off course 160 years ago. The entirety of western civilization was illegally and immorally usurped by the British Crown and related commercial interests.

Our British brethren bit the bullet in the years immediately following 1840 when the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert left the fortunes of Britain at the mercies of the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha House of Wettin. This quiet invasion by German industrialist interests paved the way for the enslavement via "enfranchisement" of millions of working class British, Irish, and Scottish (formerly) free men.

The money the German-run British Government raised by enslaving the folks back home and seizing title to their private property assets for use as government collateral, was used for the conquest of the Indian Subcontinent and to promote the "American Civil War".

The Mercenary Conflict we have been taught to call "The American Civil War" and the British-Bar member, Abraham Lincoln, who was never eligible to serve as the actual American President, were used to create a similar take-over, only by fraud, in this country.

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