UFOs & Consciousness with Caroline Corey

1 year ago

UFOs & Consciousness with Caroline Corey

Caroline Cory is a futurist, a visionary author and filmmaker. Her latest movie A Tear In the Sky clearly proves, with scientistic data, the existence of UAP/UFOs and the possible evidence of their traveling through a portal (a tear in the sky) in time/space. She is also a teacher about the multi-dimensional structure of consciousness, as well as the construct of earthly reality.


DISCOVER Ancient Origins ~ UNCOVER Hidden Truths ~ Recover Your True Identity

JOIN us at our in-person Portal to Ascension Conference at the Marina Village in San Diego, the weekend of April 21-23rd, with post conference workshops on Monday April 24th!


We are deprogramming ourselves from outdated matrix systems and re-educating and re-membering an inherent truth that connects us all. As we come together, we activate in each other our truest potentials, individual gifts and collective resolve so that we may usher in a whole new reality that we know is possible and is waiting for us to embrace it.

Activations, Education, Inspiration & Empowerment

Register Here: https://ascensionconference.com

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