Gus the Duck - Eye treatments

1 year ago

Meet Gus!
Gus is a Saxony and will be 6yrs in June. He came to Sparkle Life Sanctuary a year ago. He's from a farm that treats their animals very well, where he free roamed in a healthy and active flock. The farm spared his fate of being processed into dog food and instead he will live his life out here on the pond.
He's a sweet old guy, that naps a lot, lumbers around the yard and is generally, pretty chill.

One of the new runner ducks, Patrick, is 8 months, and has decided to challenge Gus' place as leader of the flock. We've been breaking up the fighting on a frequent basis, but a few days ago, Patrick obviously got Gus in the eye and is now in the time out enclosure, and sleeping solo in a different duck house. Gus is coming in for hot compresses, snacks and antibiotics a few times a day.

Stay tuned!

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