Jesuits of Rome Traded Fries for Lives (Insights in description box)

1 year ago

The "vaxxed" aren’t handling life very well these days. Of course, not everyone took fries. Most people did it to keep their jobs. And, what about those jobs.

"Most people -- 80% according to Deloitte’s Shift Index survey -- are dissatisfied with their jobs." - 2010

A global poll conducted by Gallup has uncovered that out of the world's one billion full-time workers, only 15% of people are engaged at work. That means that an astronomical 85% of people are unhappy in their jobs.

People took the deceptions and bait to keep their debt(s), which is their monopoly money (fiat currency), not their jobs. The angle out there that many use to drown their guilt or hide their shame is that "...I did it to keep my job" but it wasn't about the job, especially since most people hate their jobs, it was the money (aka debt).



Rome is making a lot of money off of people through this agenda, while stealing people's inheritance.

AEDs are being installed everywhere possible (UK, America, Canada, etc.) and CPR training for companies is filling up the majority of courses. Rome controls the defibrillator companies and stocks, the Knights of Malta (i.e., St.John's Ambulance) run CPR courses, and their hospitals (i.e., St. Mary Hospital, etc.) are charging people hundreds of thousands of dollars for replacement parts (i.e., Red Cross blood) and surgeries for their damage.

Notwithstanding, Catholic funeral masses cost money (although they play that scam off as a "donation"), also their funeral homes are making a killing (no pun intended) with average costs ranging from $9,000 to $20,000 dollars.

Lastly, most obituaries are asking for donations to be sent to either medical science institutions (all run by Rome) or directly to the "Church" or their whore daughter "Churches", whichever the deceased attended.

$$$$$$$$$$ Diabolical.

Coincidence? Getting Rich off of Blood Clots

Furthermore, with inheritance it is taxed in most countries almost every time it changes hands, so there goes more of people's hard earned wealth. And, if Rome can get that inheritance out of the hands of the responsible elderly and into the hands of the irresponsible impulsive youth, then it will be gone even sooner.


How to destroy a nation or society,

Rome's plan to implode the nations by having all societal service personnel damaged, injured or deceased.

This includes but not limited to all who were coerced and forced,
unionized environments
pilots / transportation
and the youth (the reserve capacity for these above roles)
this doesn't include sterilizing or poisoning the mothers and their infants for reproductive destruction.


People were warned from the beginning.

Open Letter to Workplace Employers for 2023

Galatians 6:7-8 KJV & Proverbs 1:24:33 KJV

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