Trans Terrorist Attacks School as Trans Activists Pledge Launch of Bloody Uprising on April 1st!

1 year ago

Emergency Broadcast: Trans Terrorist Murderously Attacks School as Trans Activists Pledge to Launch a Bloody Uprising on April 1st! – TUESDAY FULL SHOW 03/28/23

The Alex Jones Show - Mar 28, 2023

Watch & share this vital LIVE broadcast as Alex Jones covers how the MSM is downplaying the trans terror attack all while leftists are shaming Americans for “loving God & guns.” Tune in NOW to learn what happens NEXT.

The quickening is here! Major players & calamities have accelerated the globalists’ war against humanity! On today’s broadcast, Alex Jones will take YOUR calls and deliver full-spectrum coverage of breaking news and exclusive information the globalists DO NOT want you to hear!

#transterrorist #transactivists #alexjones #alexjonesshow #msm #thequickening

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