'Proud' to Exclude? The NHL’s Pride Problem | The Beau Show

1 year ago

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When I was replaced by a singer of a different sexual orientation at a recent NHL game, it made me reflect upon the broader picture of what is happening in the NHL and compulsory inclusion, which seems to achieve the exact opposite of its stated mission.
With multiple NHL players opting out of pride night jerseys, the LGBT pushback seems bent on compulsory inclusion, which achieves the exact opposite of its stated mission. The jerseys allegedly promote inclusivity. But wearing a jersey isn’t inclusive if it is forced upon players and excludes their identity and individual freedom. Everyone should be welcome to a hockey game; no one argues with that. But if the American flag and the national anthem stand for individual liberty and choice, we all must respect choice. The statements from the players who declined to wear the pride jerseys are eloquent and respectful. But the abuse directed at them shows a disregard for all viewpoints and individuality.

#NHL #pridenight #LGBTQ

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