3 GUNS for BUG OUT by Viewer Request

1 year ago

We were asked to discuss what 3 guns would Mountaindo ( my wife ) and myself bring during a BUG OUT situation....however we need to answer 3 other questions first.

1. What are my risks? ( close quarter, short term, personal limitations )
2. What is my sustainability? ( what am I going to eat )
3. What are my impasses? ( roadblocks, egress, low profile, weight constraints )

After we answer these 3 questions we can successfully and with wisdom make the 3 gun selection with confidence. For the sake of this experiment we are including the plan to return to our home once the "storm" passes.

This is not a conversation around IN CASE I NEVER RETURN. However, I can honestly say that our weapons selections would not change if that were true. I would just include more spare parts.

We also discuss who is bugging out with you? What skill sets does your team occupy? What are each members strengths and weaknesses? Are there any X factors ( unknown variables )

Link for the best AMMO cache system ( these used to be around $20.00 a piece just a few years ago ) If you are going to bury your ammo this system works.


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