MR. NON-PC - They're Compliance To The CovidCult Was Everyone Else's Enslavement

1 year ago

If you successfully resisted the CovidCult and the "Easy Bake Oven Vaccine" like yours truly, then you know how it felt to somewhat make it through all this mess that was the CovidCult. But let's not forget...these PC-Peepz that complied every step of the way enslaved everyone else who didn't with their compliance to the CovidCult!

Lets not forget the horrible "lockdowns" and the "masks" the virtue signaling and the "cult of safety" that was purveyed upon everyone with a double standard on every subject!

Shame on these horrible doctors, hospitals and medical systems who pushed their "toxic waste" and "easy bake oven vaccine" to the masses and caused death and destruction all for the almighty dollar!!!

The only way we truly beat this war is to EXPOSE their fraud and TALK about their CORRUPTION...because this is Faaaaaaaaar from over!!

Keep reminding them...keep exposing their lies...never stop!!!!!

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