ANTHONY CHAFFEE 6 | Native Americans ;Genghis Khan army were ULTRA-CARNIVORE

1 year ago
presents episode 748 | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Plant Free MD podcast

Native Americans drove buffalo
over cliffs to get the meat...
-dry the meat to make pemmican
-preserved meat, fat, nutrition
-feed community for a year
Physically and mentally strong
-likely more intelligent than us
Paintings of Native Americans
showing them very tall
-many were 6' 7"
-large heads & brains

Had no fear...
-swim out to ships
Captain wrote
"These people were physical
specimens. Physique more
beautiful than finest English
gentleman in full regalia"
-same as today: carnivore
tribes around the world

Genghis Khan's army were also
massive physically...
-ate only horse meat; blood;
-drank fermented milk
Dominated Asia with the largest
empire in world history
-animal-food diet gave advantage
-no need to stop and eat often
-could easily fast for days
"Would often ride; drink blood
from horses; continue on"


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