JONAH Part V: The Turning

1 year ago

#Jonah #BibleStudy #AsTheChaosDies

We continue our study of the book of Jonah. In this study we will go verse by verse through chapter 3.

Yahweh is the God of second chances. In this chapter we see the Lord commission Jonah to go to Nineveh for the second time. He wants the people of Nineveh to have the choice whether or not to repent.

Does Jonah go willingly?

How large was Nineveh?

What is the real meaning of Jonah’s message “40 days and Nineveh will be overturned”? How did the early Rabbinic and Christian interpreters understand the message?

Who was the king of Nineveh?

What is the spiritual significance of the king of Nineveh laying aside his royal robes?

Why were the animals made to fast?

We discuss these questions and many others in this fascinating discussion of Jonah chapter 3!

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