No way to conduct business

1 year ago

These career criminal kidnappers have the audacity to stand around my daughters home for 3 & 1/2 hours dragging out an unwanted service,
that none of us consented to!
They claim they got the call from CPS to stand by to keep the peace while they steal my babies in the night!
Despite the fact that I have rescinded signature within 3 years of having signed that birth certificate application which the State failed to provide me with ANY full disclosure whatsoever!
So, I rescinded and abolished my signature for cause, that being fraud, and did send the Secretary of State that affidavit by way of Registered Mail in 2015.
Then I claimed my daughters under my Covenant on and for the Record via Whiteside Recording upon Illinois
Then I claimed both of them alive via Cestui Que Vi Trust Act via Article 4 Rule 19 claimed my daughters under Creator/ God
Then I did a Live Life Claim
and a common-law copywrite on all of our names,
and the I lawfully changed their names which is being held in Trust until they reach age of majority.
Then I made sure to become name-holder for all of our names.
So there's LITERALLY nothing that these career criminals can legally or lawfully do to harm or affect me or my babies!
& This is how I know beyondd a reasonable doubt that these men and women are actually criminals without the proper credentials to pull the shit that they are pulling!
They are absolute criminals who are operating without Honor!!!

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