There Will Be More Attacks On School Because We Will Not Address The Crisis

1 year ago

The fight is out there. The media is out there that wants to stoke the fires between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. We are going to clear up some Trump DeSantis things this morning. Did Trump save Florida?
All of a sudden on social media, the buzz was that it was a transgender that killed the kids in Nashville. Just as it is not ok to go after the MAGA hat wearer for violence then it is equally ok to not go after the transgender without all the facts. We love to talk about mental illness in this country now instead of getting the facts. Yes we know that the media will go after and run nothing but extremists if there was a trump post on the individual’s social media. There is a major problem in this country and we have ramped it up into high gear. We have Hollywood that pushes every agenda possible. There isn’t any way for a family to come together to watch a family film without an agenda. Media and Hollywood, the evils, have decided to social engineer us to the way they think. If your children are part of the research, what you don’t want to be is part of the case study.
There will be more in the future because we will not address the crisis in the country. We will not address the fabric in this country because of the demonic politicians in this country.
63% are in favor of stricter gun control. 88 dem, 60 ind, 37 rep
Biden calls on Congress to pass an assault weapons ban. Even with majorities in both houses of Congress during Mr.s Biden’s first two years in office, Democrats were unable to pass a ban, and any effort now would be all but certain to die in the Republican-controlled House. That has left Mr. Biden with few options but the bully pulpit.
Republicans are not the reason why this happened yesterday. No matter if the republicans have control of any legislative body in america, they did not cause this to happen
Tennessee’s law on permitless carry, an adult 21 or older can carry a handgun openly or concealed in TN without a permit.
At no time do they refer to the constitution. You have to keep up with permitless carry. We are in a time in this country where permits encapsulated everything this government wants to do to you and I. There are communities that want you to get a permit to get a shed, to move, to get a car, to do anything. It is a mind frame that they have put the American people in. covid ramped it up. You don’t have a permit to walk this way. You don’t have a permit to go in this store.
Guns are not the cause of death for children. It is not guns itself. The media is trying to tell America how they feel today. They try to take emotional pain and turn it into their agenda.
If children are ever really worth saving, according to the dems, gun violence is killing our children, then why didn’t they do what they needed to do when they had control of the house, senate, and white house. Why not make that every legislation if they are really serious in protecting your children? Instead of spending trillions of dollars on getting solar panels and windmills or getting electric vehicles and battery plants in this country, why not say our priorities are to protect our children. Democrats will not do what they say is the answer.
If you go up this morning thinking that the demonic politicians, disney, hollywood, will protect our children you are mistaken.
We have had public school shootings, now we have a private school shooting. Kemp passes a budget in GA that in the budget has increased money for school safety. You can’t legislate morality, right and wrong, and behavior. Only you and I in America in our communities can take hold of this to change things.

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