Catching Up to the Buddha | Dr. Alan Parry | MC4 L4

2 years ago

IL4 Alan Parry, Ph.D. Practicing Psychologist for over forty years and a family therapist the Calgary Family Therapy Centre (formerly the Family Therapy Program, University of Calgary)

BALLROOM 1 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Catching Up to the Buddha: How Research in Psychology and Neuroscience Supports the Claims of the World's Oldest Therapy

In the past two decades there have been a host of developments in psychology and neuroscience that support the core assertions of Buddhist practice, in particular, its meditation techniques. The latter involves methods that facilitate a variety of benefits, which have been empirically demonstrated. It facilitates the capacity of the brain to self-organize in optimal ways rather than in accordance with painful memories and the expectations these set in motion. Sustained meditation practice also facilitates the integration of neuronal circuits across the brain. In addition the discovery of mirror neurons, which appear to operate as the root of empathy, corresponds to the Buddhist focus on the centrality of compassion. Recent findings in cognitive psychology suggest that the mind/brain has already organized our responses to situations ahead of anything that is consciously intended. Thus it behooves the adoption of an attitude of calmness and compassion to facilitate commensurate behavioral output. These research developments are presented in relation to the core teachings of the Buddha himself. This practice proves to be remarkably consistent with the research to be described in this presentation. In his original but still fresh claim that it offers a workable hence repeatable methodology for the cure of suffering, the Buddha must be reckoned as the world’s first therapist and the practice he recommended its oldest therapy.

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