DOD Militarized Public Health- In Charge of Killing Us & Total Control of Us-Katherine Watt

1 year ago

Fight back as if your life depends on it. Katherine Watt reporting on the fact that the Department of Defense has taken control of the health care of Americans. Something no one would ever consider, but its true. To control the bodies of us all. To inject us with whatever experiment they want. To be able to remove your liberties if you do not comply. Now in full climax swing to reduce the population and control us all setting up One World Government using International Health Regulations and Treaties, by the W.H.O and W.E.F. Transfering the Sovreighty of Nation States to the non elected private corporate maniac criminals to the W.H.O.

Please take action. Call your Repesentatives demand the Covid Shots stop. tell them you are wise that the DOD is in charge of deploying an injection known to kill people. Now proven with documents to be an actual bioweapon.

And as you can find on this channel Russia knows and is reporting that the U.S. is deploying a bioweapon to kill off other countries citizens. This is an act of War of course.

Tell your local pharmacies these truths and demand they stop jabbing people.

If you may be able to donate a 'Bit' of Bitcoin to help fund my research time to bring you this important information it is much appreciated here is my new Bitcoin address: bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad

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