Meditation For Beginners | Step-by-Step Instruction for Mindfulness | 15 Minutes

1 year ago

In this beginner's mindfulness meditation practice, we'll use the breath as an anchor to root our awareness into the present moment. This can dissolve anxiety, decrease stress, and promote a relaxed and peaceful state, allowing the body to heal. Find a comfortable position and settle into your body, then focus on the sensations of the breath. With each inhale, imagine breathing in peace and healing energy, and with each exhale, let go of any tension or stress. Use this practice to bring you into the present moment whenever you need it. Thank you for joining us in this meditation.

Fragments by AERØHEAD |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Time Stamp
00:05 Introduction
01:00 Noticing Breathe and Body
03:00 Breathing Exercises
05:00 Visualizing and Imagining
10:00 Meditation Music
14:45 Wrap Up

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