Everything that can be shaken WILL BE SHAKEN!—But you are CALLED TO REMAIN!

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Today’s broadcast began with Joseph Z ushering us into a great understanding of what’s happening in the world at present. He revealed that we’ve been in the eye of the storm, but we are about to come out of the eye of the hurricane. He went on to reveal that there’ll be an uprising in France and that a lot of the terrible things that have happened, like the tragedy that we witnessed at a school in Nashville are all a smokescreen and a distraction narrative that the nefarious lizard overlords perpetrated to divert people’s attention from what is really going on.
He went further to reveal that there’ll be a “shaking” coming that will start with the economy; there’ll also be a shift of global power, a shift from one person to another, and that God will do something to reposition a lot of people. He advised that we should embrace the changes because God's hand of favour is upon us.

Moving on, Joseph assures us of God’s positioning for us and our families. He further said that there’ll be a supernatural shift; although there’ll be darkness, there’ll also be light. He then insists we're in the middle of experiencing an intervention and the month of April will be a month of intervention and divine positioning. God’s beginning to reposition people, uniting, engaging and putting a footing where it belongs. He further brings to our understanding that, the repentance of a nation requires standing up for righteousness and following through the commandments of God; avoiding what does not honour God and keeping his ideals.

Moreso, Joseph discloses that there’ll be a progression from all of the things that will happen, a progression of justice. Then he reveals that there’ll be a sign of the wicked evil leaders, and also that anti christ picture will continue to rise up, but then nobody gets away with anything; as there’ll be a day of sudden terror for these evil people. He went on to assure us that justice is coming by rain which will fall on both the just and unjust. The rain will end the draught and also come with a great judgement attached. He further discloses that there’ll be a repeat of Herod’s punishment on all the evil men, and that, in this time of rain, there’ll be a supernatural endowment of power and ability to outrun the enemy.

Furthermore, Joseph discloses the revelation he got from God, which is that everything is about to be shaken, the normal values, and culture will be shaken. He reveals further that the great trial of our generation is coming but in all that will happen, many people will see the hand of God in their lives. He went on to say that justice has been prayed for over a period of three years and assures us that God is with us and is also very much involved with us and our families. He further assures us of great provision, favour and unprecedented intervention on our behalf.

Find out a lot more about Joseph Z’s revelations today by watching the broadcast.

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