Call out to God! No matter how broken you are, no matter how much you suffer

1 year ago

This message is for all that suffer and are broken
Are you in an abusive relationship and you have moments in which you feel like you are dying inside? Call out to God!
Are you the only one in your marriage that knows Jesus and sometimes you feel hopeless and think your spouse will never change?
Call out to the Lord!
Are you struggling financially and debts are pilling up and desperation comes and crawls inside of you?
Call out to the Lord!
Is your child an alchoolic lives in a homosexual life style and this is killing you inside?
Call out to the Lord!
Are you away from your family and work miles and miles away from them? You mss them, but you are stuck there away?
Call out to the Lord!
Lets call out to God! No matter what is happening right now in our life, lets lift up our eyes to God and know once more that nobody can touch our heart as He does, nobody can comfort us as He does, nobody can lift our spirit up as He does!
Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

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