Why these Tiny Island Nations are SO IMPORTANT - The True Catalyst for WWIII?

1 year ago

Discover the hidden geopolitical tensions between global superpowers, the United States and China, as we explore the strategic importance of unassuming islands in the Pacific. This eye-opening episode of Infinite Ltd delves into the escalating power struggle, military build-ups, and diplomatic manoeuvring that could turn these idyllic paradises into potential catalysts for World War III. #pacificislands #uschinatension #ww3

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrator - Pat
Editors - Kshitiz, Shantanu koli
Quality Control - Dan

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0:00 Intro
2:47 Fiji — A Strategic Location, a Crucial Focus for Intelligence Gathering, and a Priority for Both Australia and China
4:19 Samoa — A Hub for Regional Trade and Investment, and an Important Target for Both China and the West
5:41 Vanuatu — Close to Australia and New Zealand, and Situated in a Key Strategic Position
7:25 Tonga — Stricken by Natural Disaster, Aided by Both China and the West, and a Key Potential Ally
8:56 Kiribati — Home to One of the Largest Exclusive Economic Zones in the Pacific, With Sought After Fisheries and Resources
10:20 Solomon Islands — Enormous Military Importance to Australia, and a Real Potential Flashpoint
12:12 Tuvalu — The Site of A Valuable Exclusive Economic Zone and Vast Potential Resources, and a Supporter of Taiwan
13:47 Marshall Islands — Abundant Resources, Deep-Water Ports, and an Expiring Deal With the United States
14:55 Nauru — Close to Major Trade Routes, Home to Mineral Reserves, and the Location for an Awkward Tug of War Between China and Australia
15:56 Palau — Potential Oil and Gas Deposits, and Support for Taiwan, Put Palau on the Radar of China and the West
17:19 Micronesia — Proximity to East Asia and an Important Part of the United States' Plans for the Pacific
18:47 The Global Spotlight Shines on the South Pacific
20:06 Conclusion

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