Oak Hill Church of Christ 3-26-23 Message: "Wrestling With God"

1 year ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the importance of being honest and open with God in order to improve our faith and increase the quality of our lives.

It's easy to decide to react to opposition with action. We see a problem that affects us in a way we don't particularly appreciate, so we attack. The problem dares to confront us, so we do battle with it in the hopes that it will be defeated and we can go back to living just the way we were before.

God is a different story. Unlike a flooded basement or a leaky roof or a car that won't start, when God's influence presents a struggle for the way we live our lives, the best thing to do is to be receptive.

The Old Testament book of Genesis tells a story involving Jacob, the deceiving, cheating, younger brother who will one day become Israel, the patriarch of the 12 tribes. Jacob decides to wrestle with God's angel, and, as you might suspect, it doesn't end the best for Jacob.

As a result of Jacob's battle, he receives a permanent disability. However, due to his submission to God, he receives a new destiny. God is eager to give His children a new destiny after they submit to His will. Some people take longer than others, and some require setbacks before they listen, but those who eventually do submit, will find themselves in a better place with God directing their lives.

If you feel like you've been wrestling with God over the destiny of your life and its direction, the Bible recommends submission and obedience to God and His will in order to receive a better direction for the future.

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