Lin Zexu

1 year ago

In 1839, when Lin Zexu, governor of Guangdong & Guangxi, banned opium in Guangdong, he ordered opium firms to hand over opium and burned it in Humen. The destruction of opium in Humen became the fuse of the first Opium War between the Qing Empire and the British Empire. 1839年,兩廣總督林則徐于廣東禁菸時,使鴉片商行交出鴉片,將收到的鴉片於虎門銷毀。虎門銷煙成為清帝國與大英帝國爆發第一次鴉片戰爭的導火線。

出生: 乾隆五十年七月二十六日(出生於西元1785年8月30日); 大清福建省福州府侯官县

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