Pluto in Aquarius (Part 2 of 2)

1 year ago

Think about when you’ve come face to face with a scorpion (snake, spider, [insert what you fear is here]) become so present. No thoughts about your to-do list, no fucks given about the drama of life, the only important thing is this present situation and how to deal with it. It can be intensely (Pluto is intensity) clarifying. If we examine this we can see that we have an opportunity to access truth. Pure clarity and truth. Gifts that come from being scared shitless and having to be extremely present. Deep truth. Present truth. It might feel raw, but it’s real. That’s Pluto. ⁣

Let’s talk for a moment about desires...about the taboo...⁣

Not just personally, but collectively, I think we’re going to see a reveal about what we desire on a soul level...on subconscious levels. There’s no hiding anymore, not with Pluto. Aquarius can be a very public spot. I think we’re going to get a peak behind the curtains. That said, Pluto can be super amazing at keeping secrets that it wants to guard. I’m really curious to see how this part of Pluto/Aquarius unfolds. ⁣

Perhaps we might see a reclamation of power around our sexual autonomy after experiencing challenges that try to take choice and expression of our deepest sexual desires from us. We may see more people owning their kinks. That might be a stretch, but it’s something to consider going forward. ⁣

On another note...⁣
Pluto is related to the occult, mysticism, magick, alchemy, the esoteric arts, the taboo/fringe. Given it’s relationship with ultimate truth or ultimate lies, I think we’ll have an interesting experience with these realms because of Saturn’s presence in Pisces. While Saturn is here I think it’ll be working with Pluto to expose the ridiculous and the surface, the charlatans (whether knowing or unknowing), and bring us into a more truthful and grounded and overall integrous place with all things “spiritual”. No more bubbles n white light only bullshit. No more making money off of untested, uninitiated, or surface methods. This calls us into real, grounded, depth. ⁣

These themes (and more) will continue to unfold. Fall of 2024 Pluto will settle in for basically 20 years. ...our lives as a collective are about to shift. Those of us who live to the other side of this will be astonished by how much has shifted in how we live our lives. I wish for the best aspects of Pluto to be known, and I hope for us all to have the fortitude, stamina, and clarity to traverse the harder aspects of this transit.

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