Earth to Rod Class and "the Generals" - Monday, October 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Earth to Rod Class and "the Generals" - Monday, October 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Rod, you know we love you. You are one of the Good Guys and you have the wounds to prove it.
So we are on your side of the issues.
But, that said, you have never understood jurisdiction and that has cost you and everyone following you -- all those good people --- who have been endangered needlessly.
Remember when you and I talked about you taking deer rifles into Washington, DC?
I told you that you couldn't exercise your Constitutional Guarantees in the District of Columbia or the Municipality of Washington, DC because those are both foreign jurisdictions?
I told you that you couldn't stand upon the Constitutions in those enclaves, because they function under their own foreign law? And within their borders, their foreign law stands?
You ignored me. You went to DC with your deer rifles. You got arrested. You were tried in one of their courts as a "Federal Citizen" and.... you were convicted and punished.
That was predictable and I predicted it and I told you and you ignored me and you suffered the consequences.
Now, all these people you trained as "Private Attorney Generals" are being thrown in jail and just left sitting there for months in limbo.
Our guys have had to rescue four (4) of them so far.
Get a clue, Rod, please. Your refusal to recognize the fact that Federal codes, regulations, ordinances and statutes don't apply to us, average Americans, is a mystery. If you won't believe me, see the U.S. Supreme Court case Rodriguez v. Ray Donovan and DOL. There it is in black and white from the Supreme Court Justices ----- none of that applies to the General Public.

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