everybody has pride not just...you know the ones

1 year ago

i hope these are good dirges
have you noticed _____
i'm not talented on command
...not anywhere near as dangerous as letting women have a license
creating when driving...alone n thriving
i couldn't have this much fun attached to somebody else
if i wasn't crazy i too could n would have a baby
i can imagine but i can't ever be somebody else
imma make decisions for me not anyone else
this ain't a feminist rant that's not where we're goin EVER
imma nuke the fuck outta feminism tho
this country only sells out its' own people
so many goin along all for clout
i wanna make em feel like shit all cos they're wrong *i know that's the sick and fallen part of me
we're the best mental illness that you're ever gonna get
we can smell the horseshit 20yrs away
i live to intimidate the plebian sheep
it's the Spirit of God that you're so afraid of
you'll have a whole eternity to spend time with God *but you won't like it
fake approval from fake people...what's the appeal again, dear world?
what do they understand tho
that was the best part of my night, freaking out that kid by meowing at him hahaha
mental illness is half life shit, half personal choice
i do take pride in this but not very much *still human (being confident in certain life decisions esp ones that are totally aberrant is not immoral but unchecked narcissism is)
those that choose the world are miserable for it
no peace of mind cos they don't choose God *i do pity them
they decided to be lame and boring and a fucking tool like everyone else
my lifestyle speaks for itself

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