Maintaining Terrace Earthworks So That Your Garden Lasts Forever

1 year ago

Terrace farming is an ancient practice. There is new evidence that long-gone civilizations used terrace earthworks to feed thousands.

Including the desert city of Petra, in present-day Jordan, as far back as 2,000 years ago. Terrace farming across Asia makes mountainous parts more productive.

Most terrace systems use low, flat ridge shelves that increase useable growing space. While you may build modern earthworks with heavy equipment, the maintenance is low-carbon.

Seasonal terrace maintenance is easy when you do it. The key is to prevent the pooling of water near the earthworks bund. And to encourage the growth of vegetative strips.

Earthworks construction is a worthwhile investment in permaculture design and organic gardening. You'll get more from your growing space, harvest rainwater, and reduce erosion.

Related videos in this series:

- An introduction to terrace farming for organic market gardens,
- How to prepare earthworks bench terraces for market gardening,
- Do this to stop erosion in your farm fields with earthworks,

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