Death of Satan

1 year ago

After the first successful monkey wrench into My first run of Videos on Rumble with a different account, The Satanic Family next door to Me have tried 2 Be successful again in stopping Me from putting this up.
They’ve been terrorizing Me for the past 3 Years now in this ShitHole apartment which is a Tomb within the Diarrhea Swamp formerly known as The Bronx, with their electronic surveillance of My every move within My Darwinian Zoo as they find being My personal 24/7 tmz led by their Gay so-called man of the house James, who doesn’t touch his fake Wife Alice McKenzie & His supporting Mother & dumb ass younger brother whom he set up to get killed 3 times, along with the 4 year old boy they use as a shield for anytime that authorities are sent to catch their Satanic Terrorism of This Militant Black Man who has only fought White Supremacy az HiZ opponent Hiz entire Life;
Az they’ve caused Me to get yanked out My apartment by their PIG friends, since their Implants (Informants) & attempt 2 incite Brothers into Retaliatory Actions which their friends come round the corner 2 lock up;
Lawyers contacted ME for a current lawsuit against 2 False Arrests & they’ve a Defamation of Character lawsuit coming due to its leading to My NEW Bell Palsy, which is a LiFETIME condition.
And can yoU even fathom, that with All of this which has NO JUSTIFIABLE CAUSE except for the FACT that this closeted Gay Ass, Bitch Made Nigger, is obsessed with watching My Genitals since he got his entire Satanic Psychotic Family to watch Me having Sex but also JERKING OFF ALONE IN MY BED!!!!
And because this Ashamed of himself Gay ass piss ant Bitch Nigger, who sends his dumb ass lackeys to follow Me all over the city, his self projections of My being gay have begun to back fire as HIS OWN SATANIC CAMP R SEEING HOW WRONG HE IS BECAUSE they didn’t even know that HE DOESNT KNOW ME FROM A HOLE IN THE WALL OR A CAN OF PAINT!!!
He’s an obsessed gay ass punk bitch that is upset because I can LIVE LIFE AS MYSELF without ANY FEAR of WHO I AM & DO, JUST THAT!!!
This jealous, insecure, closet homo, is DOING ALL THIS, to a Black Man he doesn’t know! And GUESS WHO HE FOUND?!?!?

This fucking idiot is about to find out WHO I AM and it’s ONLY RIGHT that his dumb ass has revealed himself as Satan!

So, this is the Re-Introduction of The First of its Kind- from The S7NZReLmZ CoLLecTive led by Divine S7N JustUs.
First episode of The Vizually SounDinG ThoTs in the OpErA of Theatrical Instru-Mentalz: A Spoken WorD FilM.
The Truth about The AbOriginal Kulture from the Perspective of The Last One in the Chamber. The 19th Member. Born under three 7s, two 9s, & the first Master #11 {The Master Psychic} during The Witching Hour, which adds up to 7.
1st Generation American Born Haitian, whom 218 years ago Revolted and WON, Creating The First AbOriGeNaL Peoples Republic on The Plan.E.T. {& that adds up to 11}
So strap in, & delete ALL nonsensical bullshit from yOur Space, BEcause THIS Story has NEVER BEen told & The Old Powers That Were, have tried to Delete Me from ever getting here, Now.
So broadcasting from NoWhere, thru The Quantum Realms, I Am yOur Professor, Divine S7N.


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