Metallica - Battery

2 years ago

I didn't even plan on making one today. Then this tragedy hit. False Flag or not, pray for our society, pray for our country, and pray for these children who have been manipulated by Social Media, The Medical community, the narcissistic woke Moms who use them as an accessory like a fucking Coach purse, and the Left who use them as cannon fodder for votes. When I was a kid, you had to have the right shirt, shoes, backpack, etc. just to fit in. Now you have to get on Testosterone, hormone blockers and mutilate their bodies. This shit has to stop. The gun grabbers like to say, "How many More People have to die?" Well, how about taking a long, hard look at ourselves as a society as ask ourselves, "How far is too far?" Rant Over. Drop a comment let me know what you think.

Metallica - Battery

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