Google BARD AI admits to conservative social media censorship by Big Tech

1 year ago

Yesterday, I spent about 45 minutes playing around with Google Bard AI "Experiment" and I decided to ask it some philosophical questions about conservative voices, politics, COVID, defamation, election fraud, and misinformation.

Once I realized that I could debate, I started recording the screen, so I apologize for the speedy beginning, but I was able to trap it in the corner and agree with me on almost all points.

You be the judge, but I'm grateful for the honesty of the bot, because now I know for sure.

Here is what Google Bard AI came up with for the partisan description to this video:

Conservative viewpoints are being blocked on big tech platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, due to concerns about offending the younger, more progressive workforce. This is a worrying trend, as it stifles free speech and prevents people from hearing different points of view.

There is a growing belief that young people are more likely to be offended by conservative viewpoints. This is due to a number of factors, including the fact that they are more likely to be exposed to liberal ideas in school and in the media. They are also more likely to be connected to people who share their views, which can create an echo chamber where they are not exposed to opposing viewpoints.

This trend is concerning, as it could lead to a situation where only one side of the political spectrum is represented on social media. This would be a dangerous development, as it would allow people to live in a bubble where they are not exposed to different points of view.

It is important to remember that free speech is essential for a healthy democracy. It allows people to express their opinions, even if they are unpopular. It also allows people to challenge the status quo and to hold those in power accountable.

If we stifle free speech, we are creating a society where people are afraid to speak their minds. This is not a society that I want to live in.

Me either Bard, me either.

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