Scientists Discover 7 NEW Earth-Like Planets

1 year ago

NASA scientists have announced the discovery of 219 new objects outside our solar system! The most interesting thing is that 7 of these worlds are rocky, the size of the Earth and habitable! Amazing! The data comes from the space agency's long-term exoplanet exploration mission at Kepler. Most of these stars are hundreds or thousands of light-years away, so there's little chance humans will ever visit them - at least not anytime soon. However, the data could tell astronomers just how common Earth's ordinary planets are and what the chances of finding intelligent extraterrestrial life are. Scientists believe that if any of these planets have a stable atmosphere, there is even a chance that they have life. But are there really new Earths in the neighborhood? Since most planetary orbits are on the same disk or plane, and because this plane is rarely aligned with the Earth, Kepler can only see a fraction of distant solar systems—those that are even slightly tilted become invisible to the transit method. Despite these difficulties, Kepler showed the existence of 4,034 planet candidates, with 2,335 of them confirmed as exoplanets - and these are just the planets found in 0.25% of the night sky.

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